How to Sleep After Japanese Hair Straightening

How to Sleep After Japanese Hair Straightening

Imagine this. You have had your hair done at the best Japanese hair straightening salon and your love the results. Your partner, he who never picks up the details, has even complimented the hair. So you are over the moon and you want to keep the hair looking like this forever.

Of course, it’s impossible to do it, but there are a number of things you can do to keep the look as long as possible. And it begins with how you sleep. To help you out, here are tips on how to sleep after Japanese hair straightening:

Leave the hair down

If you are like other women, you tie your hair back or put the hair up when you sleep, right? To retain straight hair, you need to deprogram yourself from this behavior and train yourself to sleep with your hair down.

This way, you have your hair as straight as possible and you ensure it’s free from creases. The cool thing is you don’t have to keep this weird sleeping position for long—three days is enough.

During this time, don’t use scrunchies, sleep caps, or hair wraps that will create creases and waves to your hair.

Cover the hair with a satin or silk cloth

Unless you are ultra selective, you don’t give much thought to the material of your pillows and bedsheets, do you? When you are looking to buy any of these, you buy the first one you come across, and it’s usually cotton.

While there is nothing wrong with this, you should know that cotton produces friction with your hair and this can ruin your Japanese straightened hair.

Luckily, you can easily fix this problem by simply getting a silk or satin pillowcase. These materials are soft and they won’t produce any friction when your hair comes into contact with them.

Sleep straight

It sounds weird but you have to do it to maintain your straight hair. When you get to bed, smooth the hair down so that it’s straight below your head. You should then carefully position your head so that the hair is flat.

Remember, if you sleep on your side or stomach, your hair will get frizzy and creased, and you don’t want this. To avoid rolling over to your side, position pillows or folded blankets around your body.

Taking care of your Japanese straightened hair after sleep

You shouldn’t just take care of the hair during sleep—you also need to take care of it after sleeping. Some of the things you should do include:

Detangle the hair

As soon as you wake up, detangle and brush the hair gently so it regains smoothness and gets straight again. Even with the best care, it’s possible the hair got messy during sleep, and it’s okay to wake up with messy hair but don’t stay with it like this.

Go over the heat with a blow dry

Do you sweat in your sleep? If you do, you most likely have sweat in your hair when you wake up. And to get rid of it you need to carefully go over the hair at low temperature and dry both the scalp and hair. Avoid high heat as you will damage the hair.

Don’t keep touching the hair

When you are getting compliments from everyone, it’s easy to be tempted to keep touching your hair to confirm it’s still in place, but don’t do this. Stylists from permanent hair straightening salon Rockville say that this creates kinks and creases so you should fight the urge to touch the hair as much as possible.

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