Is There Such a Thing as Hair Extension Allergies?

Is There Such a Thing as Hair Extension Allergies?

Sometimes, beauty comes with a price – literally and figuratively. For one thing, it is not a bad thing to invest in beauty products and treatments. You can also visit a keratin treatment salon for regular hair treatment. There are also hair extensions in a salon available near you if you want to add volume to your hair.

Some hair treatments and products can be a little expensive. It depends on the brand, ingredients, and the process used. Still, a lot of people especially women spend a lot of money on beauty products and treatments regardless of the price. However, make sure to be careful about using such products or it can potentially cause side effects.

What you need to know before using hair extensions

Not everyone is blessed with thick and volumized hair. There are even some who experience hair fall due to some reason. It can be due to genetics, stress, or harsh hair products used.

If you have thin hair, you can use human hair extensions or clip in hair extensions. Both types of hair extensions can make your hair fuller, longer, and more stylish-looking. The difference is the material used in each type of hair extensions.

On the one hand, using hair extensions can make a lot of difference to your hair. You can wear hair extensions without compromising your hair health. It’s all about proper application and TLC to ensure that your hair extensions will last.

A word of caution

There are a lot of people who are allergic to something. It can be a food, pollen, or even a beauty product ingredient. Some might experience mild allergic reactions, while some can be life-threatening.

Unfortunately, hair extensions can cause allergic reactions, too. It can be due to how the extensions are applied or the material itself.

It can be because of the glue used to install the human hair extensions. If you are using synthetic hair extensions, it can also be due to the material used.

For example, a lot of synthetic hair extensions have an alkaline base coat layer that some people might be allergic to. Such ingredients are not supposed to come into contact with skin, hence the allergic reactions.

The hair extension material can also cause allergic reactions especially if it’s synthetic. In particular, the poly filament or monofilament fibers and dyes used in some hair extensions can cause allergic reactions.

How to wear extensions properly

Hair extensions can make a lot of difference to your overall look. However, make sure that you don’t have any allergic reactions to it or risk suffering from its consequences. You should trust only a professional hair extensions salon to do the job. Here are tips to do to before wearing extensions.

Relax your hair and scalp.

Before installing hair extensions, make sure to prime it first. Let your hair rest from hair styling and chemical products to avoid adverse effects when putting the extensions. Clean your hair of any impurities as it can cause itching and dryness.

Be careful not to put it too tight.

Putting hair extensions should not cause headaches. If it does, it means the extensions are installed too tightly and cause adverse effects later on. Aside from headaches, extensions that are too tight can cause hair fall and breakage. That is why it is recommended to put them on loosely. Better yet, have them installed by a professional hairstylist.

Don’t forget to shampoo.

Make sure to shampoo your hair gently at least once a week to maintain your scalp health. It also reduces buildup due to styling and to get rid of dead skin cells. If you have clip-in extensions, make sure to remove it first, then clean and dry before reattaching. If you have sewn hair extensions, do your best to separate it from your real hair. Wash your real hair separately from the extensions.

Let your hair rest from extensions.

As much as possible, let your hair rest from hair extensions every after few weeks. Try hairstyles that won’t strain your hair such as tight ponytails and braids. Better yet, put on extensions only during special events instead of on an everyday basis.

Are hair extensions for you?

Hair extensions can do wonders for your overall look. However, you should determine whether you have allergies from it. Otherwise, it can cause itching, dryness, and other adverse hair and scalp allergic reactions. Make sure to have your hair extensions done by professional salons that do hair extensions in Potomac.

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